Time DOES fly when you’re having existential crises…

OK holy shitballs it’s over halfway through 2023 but stuff has been happening.

Where to start? We have five original songs recorded out of a potential nine (thanks clever sexy music people). This involved me sending a garbled explanation about what the song might be about, the musicians understanding, writing and recording it and then recording and putting together a version sung by the actors.

You can listen to one of the songs here (!) written by Dan Cooper and performed by Jimmi Addison and Beth Cooper.

Incredible stuff really.

We have filmed and edited two scenes from the movie, the start of the film which features the title song “They Fuck You Up” written by two-thirds of The Sleazoids and a fight scene with a song written by Dan Cooper and sung by Dan and Jimmi Addison. By the way, if you’ve seen The Flash, Jimmi was in that just saying.

The time I tried to climb down an attic ladder forwards…

Oooooh, we also filmed Dan Cooper urinating on some innocent bystanders (to song) and that’s one of my fave things I’ve ever done, 25 seconds of comedy gold - my Mum would be so proud.

These guys ♥❤

We’re working on launching a fundraiser campaign for the film so pleeeease watch this space. This time we’re going with Indiegogo which takes away the stress of hitting the target goal, we have a lot lot lot more content this time too to show so let’s see what happens.

Teaser posters by dangerous Dave Holloway using footage shot by the highly flammable Dan Lord.

Speak soon x


Here we go again.