Here we go again.

Making feature films is so different from shorts.

Loads more thinking, writing.

And procrastination.

You don’t get the (relatively) instant hit that you do with short films.

But it’s going to be soooooo much fun.

They Fuck Y@u Up is the new thing. Between two jobs and childcare and the obsession of watching more films than there seem to be hours in the day (and I don’t just speak for myself here) it’s somehow half written with half of the songs written and recorded.

Pinch me. I’m making a musical horror film.

Earlier this year we did a thing at our local hairdressers and I cannot thank them enough for their support. It’s going to be one of the main locations of the film so we rocked up to film a teaser trailer, get some content for the impending crowdfunding campaign and just get everyone together to meet and have a few beers and that.

And it was great.

We filmed a fake part of the start of the movie and took loads of publicity pics.

We then went to Dan’s studio and recorded some songs. I’ve never directed someone singing before and it gives me goosebumps remembering how satisfying it was to get the results I was after - one way or another.

We’re going a little bit more nerdy techy with this movie, so as well as special K footage and the drone we will be using a 360 degree camera for some key scenes, inspired by all of your favourite horror movie dinner parties, my fan-girl fave Death of a Vlogger and the Belgian serial killer movie, Angst. (Seriously check it out it’s something else.)

So utterly grateful for everyone helping out and amazing to have new folks on board.

At the moment, the script and the songs are being written together, hoping to begin production early next year.

Concept Poster by Dave Holloway

They Fuck Y@u Up is going to be a darker, more harrowing ride than Seepers with it’s fair share of subconscious and unavoidable nods to The Little Shop of Horrors, Willard and the Cronenberg movie, Spider.

Can’t wait.


Time DOES fly when you’re having existential crises…